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Info About the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia (CJA)

"Excellence in research and knowledge translation related to the clinical practice of anesthesia, pain management, perioperative medicine, and critical care."

To access the CJA online only, contact us (Please note: you will no longer receive a print version)

Special Issue: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Anesthesiology and Critical Care


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At a Glance

Impact factor: 4.2

Scopus CiteScore: 8.2

The Canadian Journal of Anesthesia (CJA) is owned by the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society and is published by Springer Science + Business Media, LLM (New York). From the first year of publication in 1954, the international exposure of the Journal has broadened considerably, with articles now received from over 50 countries.

Article types consist of invited editorials, reports of original investigations (clinical and basic sciences articles), case reports/case series, review articles, systematic reviews, accredited continuing professional development (CPD) modules, and Letters to the Editor. The editorial content, according to the mission statement, spans the fields of anesthesia, acute and chronic pain, perioperative medicine and critical care. In addition, the Journal publishes practice guidelines and standards articles relevant to clinicians. Articles are published either in English or in French, according to the language of submission.

Editor-in-Chief: Stephan K. W. Schwarz, MD, PhD

Focus on Faster Editorial Peer Review and Rapid Publication

The editorial peer review system is overseen by five editors. The Journal has an outstanding editorial board team of Canadian and international experts. Authors submitting articles to the Journal expect high-quality reviews and rapid turnaround times. The average time from submission to "first decision" (review lag time) is less than three weeks. The time from submission to final acceptance of published articles usually requires 6-12 weeks. An important enhancement for the Journal has been the new capacity to publish each article online within 4-6 weeks after acceptance of the final version, and up to 8 weeks ahead of the printed version (publication lag time). The Online First™ system offers an accelerated publishing track on SpringerLink™ where the Journal is hosted online.

Updates to the Online Journal

Readers have access to online articles published in both Portable Document Format (PDF) and HyperText Markup Language (HTML) formats. The electronic versions of related metadata, which include different forms of supplementary material related to each article, are now sent automatically to all relevant bibliographic organizations on the day of the online publication. A redesign of SpringerLink™ has enhanced the online Journal with functionalities and innovative new features such as semantic analysis of documents and "look inside" preview capability to allow readers to view and browse the content of any document without having to download it first. We are now able to publish more color images, simulations, and additional electronic supplementary material (ESM) to be posted online, for dynamic article types such as the new Perioperative Hemodynamic Rounds section.

Submissions to the CJA

Instructions for Authors:

As Instructions for Authors become increasingly harmonized to make it easier for authors submitting to different journals, the Journal Instructions have been modified and updated in various sections under the permission provisions of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) stating the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication" (posted by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. We encourage authors to carefully review the Journal Instructions for Authors prior to manuscript preparation, and at the time of article submission, as requirements change periodically, as well as the standardized reporting guidelines endorsed by the Journal. We strongly encourage authors to refer to the EQUATOR network which provides a host of valuable resources for authors.


Manuscripts are submitted to the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia online via Editorial Manager™. This system allows for quick and efficient processing of your manuscript. Please log directly onto the Editorial Manager site and upload your manuscript files and follow the instructions provided on the screen. Please ensure that you also upload the completed relevant standardized reporting checklist (CONSORT; STROBE; PRISMA; ARRIVE 2.0). 

Please note: If you have already registered on Editorial Manager, please use your provided username and password and log in as 'Author' to track your manuscript or to submit a NEW manuscript. (Do not register again as you will then be unable to track your manuscript). Otherwise, if you are a new author, please click the 'Register' button and enter the requested information. Upon successful registration you will be sent an e-mail with instructions to verify your registration. Keep copies of your word-processing and figure files. You may want to revise the manuscript during the review process and you will need the original files if your manuscript requires revisions. If you have questions or if you are unable to submit your manuscript via Editorial Manager, please contact us at the Editorial Office, either via e-mail ([email protected]) or by phone (+1 289 301 5807).

Special Issue:Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Anesthesiology and Critical Care

Guest Editors: Dr. Alana Flexman and Dr. Sangeeta Mehta 

Click here to access the Special Issue.

Ethical Considerations

The Journal is a member of the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct for Editors of Biomedical Journals, and adheres to COPE's Good Publication Practice. We use the CrossCheck® program to identify plagiarism for every article submitted to the Journal. CrossCheck® compares the manuscript text to both published manuscripts and text downloaded from websites. Manuscripts that plagiarize previously published material, even if it is the author's own work, will be rejected if identified during peer review and will be retracted if the plagiarism is discovered after publication.



The Journal is in the top 10% of qualifying journals for editorial excellence. Springer Nature conducts a journal author satisfaction survey throughout the year. The survey results are a reflection of how highly your authors rated their experience publishing with Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie


More information about editorial excellence.