La SCA communique avec ses chefs des départements hospitaliers d'anesthésie et directeurs d’emplacements chaque semaine pour obtenir des renseignements sur la situation actuelle de l’EPI en lien avec la COVID-19 et sur les stocks et problèmes de médicaments dans les hôpitaux partout au Canada. Ces renseignements éclaireront nos efforts de représentation et permettront à la SCA d’avoir un portrait de la situation pendant la pandémie.

La SCA souhaite distribuer le sondage au plus grand nombre possible de chefs de départements et de directeurs d’emplacements. Veuillez transmettre vos coordonnées à l’adresse [email protected] si vous voulez répondre au sondage ou si vous désirez que l’on transmette le sondage à vos collègues.​
Les résultats seront affichés ici. (en anglais)

1 mai 2020

GREEN - Sufficient to meet all needs 53.85%
YELLOW - Rationing - limited use 46.15%
RED - Unable to complete required procedures because of PPE shortages

Comment Highlights:
  • Limited in N95 and surgical/protective gown supplies.
  • Certain N95s particularly short.
  • I think we have run out of the better fitting 3M 1870+ N95
    masks, using 8210 as replacement. I'm told we have "green" level of supply.
  • We are deeply concerned about supply, but for now we have appropriate PPE available as needed. We are following Public Health guidance to reuse N95 masks between patients. The hospital is keeping our single mask at the end of the day (they are not discarded) in case a method of sterilization and reuse is agreed upon in future.
  • Short of hoods.
  • N95 stocks are improving. Blouses have been short.
  • Fluctuating guidelines and directives mean parts of the medical/operative team often get differing messaging on PPE use etc.
  • Sustainabililty of single use disposable supplies being discussed and reusables being considered.
  • There is enormus concern about asymptomatic patients, both prior to having symptoms (1-6 days!) and after symptoms OR those (woman in Italy still PCR positive 60 days post symptoms) who never develop symptoms. How do we protect ourselves from these ''Green'' patients as our guidelines state only surgical mask for these patients.
RED - Unable to complete required procedures due to medication shortages? 0.00%
YELLOW - Rationing - limited use 34.62%
GREEN - Sufficient to meet all needs 65.38%

Comment Highlights:
  • Cautious use of sedatives/induction agents/muscle
    relaxants. Almost no supply of MDI.
  • Hospital does not have an inventory system to measure burn rate.
  • At our site sufficient. Also currently sufficient in our
  • Medications are available for now. Rocuronium is being
    sourced from different suppliers to meet need. It therefore
    comes in different looking vials, which could increase risk of drug error.
  • Asked to limit Propofol.
  • Remaining very limited stocks of Propofol Midazolam Fentanyl. Forcing us to stay at 40% of surgical capacity.
  • We are not getting the large bottles of propofol in the OR