Sponsored Symposia at the CAS Annual Meeting

Breakfast Symposium (Hilton)

Oxygenation - Time to Switch
Saturday, June 10, 7:00am – 7:50am

History and uses of nasal high flow in operating room and procedural sedation suite, and introduction to Optiflow Switch.

Speaker: Dr. Imran Ahmad
President, Difficult Airway Society (DAS) UK
Consultant Anesthesiologist, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS (National Health Service) Trust, London 

– Symposium Sponsor–


Lunch Symposia (QCCC)

Science of Warming - Comparison of Warming Modalities and Prewarming
Saturday, June 10, 12:00pm – 12:50pm
(40 minutes + 10 minutes Q&A)

  • Discuss the science of warming and its effects on the human body
  • Provide an in-depth comparison of various warming modalities, including advantages and disadvantages
  • Demonstrate the benefits of prewarming and its potential to prevent hypothermia during surgical procedures
  • Examine how warming impacts improve quality of care for patients
  • Questions and Answer


Michael Rempel,  DNP, RN, CNOR​, Pediatric Trauma Program Manager, University Hospital,  Newark, NJ​

​Nathalie Gould, BN, RN, Medical Liaison/ Liaison Médicale, 3M Medical Solutions Division/ Division des Solutions Médicales

– Symposium Sponsor –



Smart Monitoring - Reducing Intraoperative Hypotension (IOH) with Predictive Monitoring
Sunday, June 11, 12:00pm – 12:50pm

Learn how smart monitoring can help you manage hypotension. Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index software uses the arterial waveform from a non-invasive finger cuff or radial arterial line to detect hemodynamic instability and provides insight into the potential root causes to help you prevent or treat intraoperative hypotension.  


Dr. Duminda Wijeysundera, Professor, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain University of Toronto

Dr. William McIvor, Professor, Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Jill Osborn, Department of Anesthesiology at St. Paul’s Hospital

– Symposium Sponsor –

Sponsorship & Exhibit Opportunities

Interested in Sponsoring?

Looking for more information on Sponsorship & Exhibit Opportunities for the 2022 CAS Annual Meeting? Please contact Rebecca Darling at

or [email protected]