CAS Samba ambulatory anesthesia collaborative rounds series

The Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society is pleased to announce a new education program developed in collaboration between the CAS Ambulatory Section and The Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia (SAMBA). The program consists of a series of educational rounds aimed to enhance the knowledge and skills of professionals in the field of ambulatory anesthesia through shared expertise and resources.

round archive 

The CAS SAMBA Ambulatory Anesthesia Collaborative Rounds Series is a self-approved group learning activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Each round will be 1 hour.  


Click on each event below for details on the upcoming rounds. All events are listed chronologically. 

Diabetic Management in Ambulatory Surgical Patients 

March 12, 2025
8 pm ET


CAS member registration

Note - SAMBA members will receive a link from their Society to register.

The second round in the CAS SAMBA Ambulatory Anesthesia Collaborative Rounds Series will focus on the updated North American guidelines for perioperative blood glucose management in ambulatory surgery patients with diabetes.

The Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia has recently updated its consensus statement regarding the management of blood glucose in patients with diabetes mellitus undergoing ambulatory surgery; this 2024 update replaces the 2010 guidelines.  Similarly, the Canadian Standards for Perioperative/ Periprocedure Glycemic Management Expert Consensus Panel has recently updated its consensus guidelines regarding the perioperative management of patients with Type I and Type II Diabetes; the 2025 update replaces the Canadian 2021 recommendations.   

Recent advancements in diabetes management, particularly the introduction of new hypoglycemic agents, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitors are reflected in the updates to both the Canadian and American guidelines. These updates are critical for optimizing the perioperative care of the increasing number of diabetic patients. Join the authors of both the new American and Canadian guidelines as we review, compare and contrast the Canadian and American evidence-based recommendations.  

After attending this round, the participants will be able to: 

  1. Discuss the newly recommended BG targets in ambulatory surgery (versus inpatient goals) 
  2. Assess current literature outlining risks and benefits of oral hypoglycemic use in the perioperative period. 
  3. Describe safe and effective practices to dose home insulin prior to ambulatory surgery. 
  4. Outline current data examining pre-operative carbohydrates in DM2
  5. Identify relevant consideration for the use of GLP-1RAs and diabetes devices 

Moderator: Dr Ronald Goldenberg

Dr Ronald Goldenberg is a consultant endocrinologist emeritus affiliated with LMC Diabetes & Endocrinology in Vaughan, Ontario. He completed his residency in Internal Medicine in 1987 at the University of Toronto, and his fellowship in Endocrinology & Metabolism in 1989 at the University of Toronto.  His major areas of interest include clinical care of diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia and thyroid disorders.
Dr. Goldenberg has been an investigator in a wide array of clinical trials in the areas of diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and dyslipidemia. He has been actively involved in Continuing Medical Education for over 3 decades, with a strong focus on translating evidence-based medicine into practical patient care. Dr. Goldenberg was a councillor on the Diabetes Canada Clinical & Scientific Section Executive Committee from 2010 to 2016. He was a member of the Steering Committee and an author for the 2013 CDA Clinical Practice Guidelines, lead author of the CDA March 2016 Interim Update and co-author of the November 2016 Interim Update on the Pharmacologic Management of Type 2 Diabetes. He was on the Executive Committee and an author for the 2018 Diabetes Canada CPGs.
Dr. Goldenberg was the 2021 recipient of the Diabetes Canada Gerald S. Wong Service Award.  He has been awarded an Honorable Citation by the  Medical Staff Association of North York General Hospital for excellence in the practice of endocrinology and dedication to patient care in the community.  Dr. Goldenberg was affiliated with North York Branson/North York General Hospital from 1989-2020 where he served as Medical Director of the Diabetes Education Centre. He is a past chair of the Ontario Medical Association Section on Endocrinology & Metabolism and a previous President of the Toronto Diabetes Association.

Presenter: Dr Elizabeth Duggan
University of Alabama Birmingham

Dr Elizabeth Duggan is an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and the Vice Chair for Professional Development and Faculty Affairs for the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Care at the University of Alabama Birmingham. Dr. Duggan’s primary clinical 
research interest is the optimization and management of perioperative hyperglycemia including risk factor identification, mitigation, and treatment. She has spent the last several years of her career researching methods to improve outcomes in patients with diabetes and stress hyperglycemia. She additionally holds a master's degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and is a certified Executive Coach. Her work includes efforts to optimize physician engagement, promote healthy team dynamics, and to identify and influence positive workplace culture. 

Preoperative Evaluation and Criteria for Ambulatory Surgery 

October 1, 2025
8 pm ET


After attending this round, the participants will be able to: 

  1. Discuss current evidence related to patient selection for adult outpatient surgery
  2. Create customized patient selection criteria 
  3. Create decision algorithms for high-risk patients  

Moderator: TBA

Presenter: Dr Niraja Rajan
Penn State Health

Dr Niraja Rajan completed a residency in Anesthesiology at the University of Pennsylvania and a fellowship in Pediatric Anesthesia at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Dr. Rajan has a special interest in ambulatory anesthesia and acute pain management. Dr Rajan is currently Co- Chair of the Guidelines Committee and President of the Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia. She is also a member of the ASA Sub-Committee on Ambulatory Anesthesia Education track and the ASA Committee on Ambulatory Surgical Care. Dr Rajan has published several abstracts, research articles, review articles and book chapters. She is the editor of the recently published book: A Manual of Practice management for Ambulatory Surgery Centers. She has spoken at various national and international meetings on topics related to ambulatory anesthesia. She is also on the Editorial Board of Anesthesia and Analgesia. She developed the ambulatory anesthesia curriculum on Toolbox Anesthesia, an online educational module for residents across the country. Dr Rajan is also passionate about patient safety in the ambulatory setting and has worked with several US organizations including AHRQ on patient safety and quality improvement projects involving ASCs. Dr Rajan is serving on the Institute Quality Advisory Committee of the AAAHC.

Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Ambulatory Surgery: A collaborative round with CAS, SAMBA, and the Society for Anesthesia and Sleep Medicine (SASM) 

December 3, 2025
8 pm ET


After attending this round, the participants will be able to: 

  1. Define sleep-disordered breathing. 
  2. Examine the methodology behind the development of guidelines for postoperative management of patients with sleep-disordered breathing. 
  3. Formulate an anesthetic plan for ambulatory surgical patients facilitated by guideline recommendations from SASM, SOCCA, and SAMBA. 

Moderator: Dr Mandeep Singh

Presenter: Dr Jaime Hyman
Yale School of Medicine

Dr Jaime Hyman is an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Division Chief of Ambulatory Anesthesiology, and director of the Head and Neck Anesthesiology Fellowship at the Yale School of Medicine. She is also a director on the SAMBA board, chair of the SAMBA education committee, member of the SAMBA meetings committee, and member of the ASA Committee on Ambulatory Surgical Care. Dr Hyman has presented nationally and internationally on topics related to ambulatory anesthesiology. Her clinical research focuses on quality of recovery after ambulatory surgery. 

Thank you to our Scientific Planning Committee!

Dr Mandeep Singh – CAS Ambulatory Section Chair, Research Advisory Committee member, Physician Wellness Committee member
Dr Natalie Clavel – CAS Ambulatory Section Vice-Chair
Dr Jaimie Hyman – SAMBA Board of Directors Member, Education Committee Chair, Meetings Committee member
Dr Chhaya Patel – SAMBA Education Committee Vice-Chair, Pediatric Anesthesia Committee Vice-Chair, Scientific Papers Committee member