CAS offers members several opportunities for personal involvement, professional development, and engagement.

By taking on a volunteer role in your Society, you join an enthusiastic team dedicated to advancing the profession of anesthesia. A role with CAS allows you to share your unique experiences with others, learn new skills, push forward innovative ideas, and develop key professional and personal networks. Your ongoing input is critical to CAS' accomplishments and to the development and empowerment of anesthesiologists across the country and internationally.

To apply, please send your notification of interest, along with your CV to [email protected], outlining the role you are applying for. 

Updated: February 2025

Current vacancies:

Governance Committee

Positions Available - 2

Roles - Members-at-large

Deadline - March 7, 2025

The role of the new Governance Committee is to investigate, deliberate and analyze issues on behalf of the Board and to bring forward recommendations for change and improvement. This Committee will assist the Board in ensuring that the CAS adopts a clear and effective governance framework and system. Areas to address will include (but are not limited to): 

  • Board composition
  • Evaluations of the Board, Directors, Committees, and Chairs, identifying areas for improvement
  • Governance documentation (bylaws, policies, procedures)
  • Board of Director’s onboarding and orientation

Membership in the Committee will be for a 2-year term. This term may be renewed up to 2 times for a maximum term of 4 years. Membership will be refreshed and rotated in such a manner that no more than 50% of the Committee’s members are replaced in the same year. 

Interested candidates are asked to send a letter of interest highlighting any relevant roles or responsibilities, a curriculum vitae and a nomination letter signed by two active CAS members to the CAS National Office.

Awards Committee

Positions Available - 2

Roles - Members

The Awards Committee is looking for engaged volunteers. The committee’s main objective is to solicit and adjudicate nominations for the CAS Honour Awards Program and to select winners. As a member, it is very interesting to learn about so many wonderful contributors to our specialty and to work with a diverse group of anesthesiologists.

The committee membership term is for three years, and the time commitment is approximately 3 virtual meetings per year, plus ‘on you own time’ to review the nomination packages that have been presented for adjudication. This part happens during the Review Period, which is 2 weeks in mid-late January.
We strongly believe that our group’s diversity is a strength and welcome applicants from all career stages and backgrounds.

Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee

Positions Available - 2

Roles - Member Representation from Manitoba/Saskatchewan (2 roles)

This committee provides expert advice and guidance on the standards of anesthesia practice and related matters to the CAS Board and Society members.

Continuing Education and Professional Development (CEPD)

Positions Available - 3

Roles - 2 Members, 1 FPA (Family Practice Anesthesia) Representative

The CEPD Committee is responsible for advising the Board on all matters regarding Maintenance of Certification and continuing professional development (CPD) of members in anesthesia and related fields.

Critical Care Section

Positions Available - 3

Roles - Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Member-at-Large

The Critical Care Section is one of the newest CAS specialty sections, having been ratified in 2012 at the Annual Meeting in Quebec City. The initial goal of the section was to provide and improve care for critically ill patients that anesthesiologists represent across Canada. However, the section has evolved to provide additional training and educational resources for those interested in the area but without formal ties to critical care.

Click here to apply for a role with the Critical Care Section.

Finance Committee

Positions Available - 1

Roles - Member-at-Large

The CAS Finance Committee is responsible for reviewing budgets, including financial statements, for past and upcoming years.

Physician Wellness Committee

Positions Available - 1

Roles - Committee Vice-Chair

The Anesthesiology Physician Wellness Committee is dedicated to supporting practices that encourage anesthesia physician wellbeing and health, while also addressing the increasing rates of burnout in our specialty.

Research Advisory Committee

Positions Available - 3

Roles - 2 Members, Resident Representative

The Research Advisory Committee’s (RAC) most visible activity is overseeing, on behalf of CARF, the administration of the CAS Research Awards Program that offers annual Operating Grants and the Career Scientist Award. RAC is also responsible for advising the CAS Board on the promotion of anesthesia research in Canada and maintaining a watching brief on medical research in Canada to ensure that the Society remains responsive to trends and initiatives as they develop.

Environmental Sustainability Section

Positions Available - 2

Roles - Secretary/Treasurer, Membership Engagement Officer

The Environmental Sustainability Section supports 'green' anesthesia, with a focus on researching and developing initiatives in environmental sustainability. The section also advocates safer absorbents, low flows, safe energy usage, waste management, and efficient recycling streams.

The responsibility of the Secretary/Treasurer includes managing the overall functioning of the section as a member of the Executive Committee, management of finances, and organizing CAS annual meeting sessions. The term is two (2) years.

The responsibilities of the Membership Engagement Officer include planning strategies to engage, retain and attract existing/new members of the section, and help organize CAS annual meeting sessions for the section. The term is two (2) years.