The application period for the 2025 Research Program is now closed.
The CAS Research Program was launched in 1985, when the first annual CAS Research Award was presented to Dr. Howard Nathan for his work on “Anesthetics and Myocardial Ischemia”. However, it became a possibility six years earlier, through the establishment of the Canadian Anesthesia Research Foundation (CARF) in 1979.

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Today, the Program administers over $200,000 annually, through CARF, and provides support to researchers in anesthesia who are CAS members. You can access two types of grants (which will vary in their availability by year):
Operating Grants
Operating Grants provide funding to cover the direct costs related to a single research project. Although the grant number and amount might differ from year to year depending on sponsorship opportunities, we generally offer:
- New Investigator Operating Grants, for applicants who have commenced independent practice/received their first faculty appointment within five years of the application deadline, or have undertaken significant research training (i.e., obtaining a Master's degree or PhD) within the past three years.
- Open Operating Grants, for those who hold a faculty appointment at a Canadian medical school.
- Section Operating Grants, for those who are current members of CAS sections.
- Subspecialty Grants, for those who hold a faculty appointment at a Canadian medical school and are focused on subspecialty topics.
- Residents' Research Grant, for individuals committed to doing research during their residency training.
Regardless of category, the submissions are peer-reviewed by our Research Advisory Committee and adjudicated during a review meeting by the Grant Standing Subcommittee.
The winners’ list is approved by the CAS Board, and all awards are administered through the CAS office.
The submission period lasts from October to January and winners are established in April.
If you have any questions regarding the Program, please email us at [email protected]
2025 Awards Cycle
award descriptions
award guidelines
See current winners here
See past winners here