2025 CAS Registration Rates

Your registration includes access to most sessions (except workshops and PBLDs). In-person registration also includes breakfasts, lunches, nutrition breaks and the Friday Welcome Reception.

Note - If you would like to take advantage of the member rates and choose to join CAS/renew your membership, please allow two business days after bringing your membership up to date before registering for the conference.  

Early bird deadline is wednesday April 16, 2025.

 Attendee category Early Bird   Regular  
Members in-person virtual in-person virtual
Member: CAS Active and Associate Members 1220 725 1430 895
Member: Anesthesia Assistants 660 335 850 475
Member: Residents, Active Fellows and Medical Students 540 285 640 325
Member: Retired Members 540 285 640 325
Member: Emeritus complimentary complimentary complimentary complimentary
Member: ASA, AUS, AA UK, NZSA, SASA 1220 725 1430 895
Non-Member: Anesthesiologists, Other Physicians 2070 1375 2330 1555
Non-Member: Allied Health Professionals 810 410 995 545
Non-Member: Registered PGME Trainees (int) 695 365 880 505
Non-Member: Abstract Presenters from LMIC** 695 N/A 880 N/A

Please reach out to [email protected] with your society and member number to take advantage of member pricing for: ASA, AUS, AA UK, NZSA, SASA. 

** Low and middle income countries

Once you have registered for the event, you will receive a confirmation email with a reservation link, which will allow you to book your hotel room at the special conference rate. 





Questions regarding registration? 
[email protected]

Cancellation Policy:

If notice of cancellation is received prior to Thursday, May 29, 2025 a refund less a 20% administration fee will be given. Changes to your registration can be made up until Thursday, May 29, 2025. After May 29, a replacement delegate (same category, otherwise difference needs to be paid) is the only option as NO REFUNDS will be processed after that date. Cancellations must be in writing / received by email and sent to [email protected]. NO SHOWS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR A REFUND AND WILL BE FULLY CHARGED. 

All fees are in Canadian Dollars and HST (100759372RT0001) will be applied at checkout. 

CAS is not responsible for cancellations and/or refunds relating to registrants' travel, accommodation, or other incidentals.  

CAS reserves the right to make changes to the program without notification. If the program is not held for any reason, Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society's liability is limited to the registration fee. Registrants will be notified at the earliest possible date in the event of the cancellation. CAS will not be liable for any loss, damages or other expenses other than the registration fees that such cancellation may cause. Power or internet outages are outside the control of CAS. Should virtual attendees experience any difficulties in connecting into the program on the event days, they will be aided by the live help desk if possible, and will have access to the program post event.