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College of Health Sciences
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
2-150 Clinical Sciences Building
8440 - 112 St
Edmonton, AB Canada T6G 2G3
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Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics
2775 Laurel Street - 11223 11th Floor, DHCC
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
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Department of Anesthesia
Foothills Medical Centre
1403 - 29th Street N.W., Rm. C222
Calgary, AB T2N 2T9
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Department of Anesthesia
QE II Health Sciences Centre
Victoria General Site
1278 Tower Road
Halifax, NS B3H 2Y9
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Département d'anesthésiologie
Local 4853, Pavillon Ferdinand-Vandry
Québec, QC G1V 0A6
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Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine
AE200, 2nd Floor, Harry Medovy House
671 William Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0Z2
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Department of Anesthesia
Health Sciences Centre
300 Prince Philip Drive
St. John's, NF A1B 3V6
Position |
Name |
Telephone |
Fax |
E-mail |
Discipline Chair |
Dr Geoff Zbitnew |
709-864-3355 |
709-777-6506 | |
Residency Program Director |
Dr Peter Collins |
709-864-3611 |
709-777-6506 | |
Assistant Post-Graduate Residency Program Director |
Dr Steven Howells |
709-864-3611 |
709-777-6506 | |
Undergraduate Clerkship Coordinator |
Dr Michael Bautista |
709-864-3355 |
709-777-6506 | |
Research Director |
Dr Geoff Warden |
709-864-3355 |
709-777-6506 | |
CPD Coordinator |
Dr. Barton Thiessen |
709-864-3355 |
709-777-6506 | |
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Department of Anesthesia
Glen Site, Royal Victoria Hospital
1001 Boulevard Decarie, Room C05.2756
Montreal, Quebec H4A 3J1
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Department of Anaesthesia
1200 Main St. W., HSC - 2V
Hamilton, ON L8N 3Z5
Position |
Name |
Telephone |
Fax |
E-mail |
Chair |
Dr James Paul |
ext. 75168 |
905-523-1224 | |
Post-Graduate Program Director |
Dr Desigen Reddy
905-521-2100 ext. 75170 |
905-523-1224 | |
Post-Graduate Assistant Program Director |
Dr Mike Parrish |
905-521-2100 ext. 75170 |
905-523-1224 | |
Associate Chair, Education |
Dr Anne Wong |
905 521-2100 ext 75212 |
905-523-1224 | |
Associate Chair, Research |
Dr Jason Busse |
905 521-2100 ext 21737 |
905-523-1224 | |
Undergraduate Program Director |
Dr Amanda Whippey |
ext. 75165 |
905-523-1224 | |
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Département d'anesthésiologie et de médecine de la douleur
Faculté de médecine
C.P. 6128, Succursale centre-ville
Montréal, QC H3C 3J7
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NOSM University Section of Anesthesia
Health Sciences North
41 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, ON
P3E 5J1
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Department of Anesthesia
Ottawa Hospital - Civic Site
1053 Carling Avenue, B309
Ottawa, ON K1Y 4E9
Position |
Name |
Telephone |
Fax |
E-mail |
Chair |
Dr David Neilipovitz |
613-761-4940 |
613-761-5209 | |
Vice Chair Education |
Dr Simone Crooks |
613-798-5555 ext. 15600 |
613-761-5209 | |
Post-Graduate Program Director |
Dr Asadollah Mir Ghassemi |
613-798-5555 ext. 19207 |
613-761-5209 | |
CBD Curriculum Director |
Dr Curtis Nickel |
613-798-5555 ext. 16407 |
613-761-5209 | |
Competence Committee Chair |
Dr Claudia Gomez |
613-798-5555 ext. 16407 |
613-761-5209 | |
Program Director
(Pain Medicine) |
Dr Sarika Alisic
613-798-5555 ext, 19207 |
613-761-5209 | |
Undergraduate Director |
Dr Michael Szeto |
613-737-8187 |
613-737-8189 | |
Continuing Professional Development Director |
Dr Miriam Mottiar |
613-798-5555 ext. 71887 |
613-761-5209 | |
Fellowship Director |
Dr Reva Ramlogan |
613-798-5555 ext. 14169 |
613-761-5209 | |
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Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
Kingston General Hospital
76 Stuart Street
Kingston, ON K7L 2V7
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Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative Medicine and Pain Management
Royal University Hospital
103 Hospital Drive
Saskatoon, SK S7N 0W8
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Département d'anesthésie-réanimation
Centre Universitaire de Santé de l'Estrie
Pavillon Fleurimont
3001, 13 avenue nord
Fleurimont, QC J1H 5N4
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Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine
University of Toronto
123 Edward Street, Suite 1201 (12th Floor)
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1E2
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Department of Anesthesia & Perioperative Medicine
London Health Sciences Centre
339 Windermere Road
London, ON N6A 5A5
Position |
Name |
Telephone |
Fax |
E-mail |
Chair |
Dr John Fuller |
519-663-3031 |
519-663-2957 | |
Post-Graduate Program Director |
Dr Melissa Chin
519-685-8500 ext. 35962 |
519-663-2957 | |
Research Director |
Dr Sujoy Bank |
519-685-8500 ext. 33025 |
519-663-2957 |
Undergrad Director |
Dr Jonathan Brookes |
519-685-8500 ext. 34422 |
519-685-8275 | |
CEPD Director |
Dr Mohamad Ahmad |
519-685-8500 ext. 35042 |
519-663-2957 |
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For changes, please contact
Updated October 2023