The CAS Presidential Interviews Project aims to document the lives and contributions of the past presidents of the society. These individuals, in holding the higest office of the society, have had major impacts on the evolution of CAS and have been vocal proponents for anesthesia practice in Canada and beyond.
Dr Earl Wynands speaks on Anesthesia Day 2020

watching closely those who sleep
A history of the Canadian Anaesthesists' Society
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Canadian anesthesiologists' society: archived equipment
Catalogued by Stephanie Zaslov, January - February, 2021
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Harold Griffith - His Life and Legacy
A tribute on the 50th anniversary of the introduction of curare into anaesthetic practice
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Preserving the Heritage of Canadian Anesthesiology
Developed as part of the Archive Exhibit that was on display at the 60th Annual Meeting in Quebec
An Exhibit of Inhalers and Vaporizers (1847-1968)
Developed as a companion piece to the Archive Exhibit that was on display at the 59th Annual Meeting in Ottawa
The Wood Library
A collection of photographs and electronic images related to the history of anesthesia. The collection documents events and illustrates equipment
ViSIT Library
Originally presented at 2009 Annual Meeting. Contains history and images of anethesia equipment
DoWNLOAD presentation (PowerPoint, 9MB)