The Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society (CAS) is the national specialty society for anesthesiology in Canada. The CAS was founded in 1943 as a not-for-profit, voluntary organization and is guided by its vision of transformative patient care, with a mission to serve members and advance the specialty through leadership, advocacy, education, and research. CAS represents over 2,500 members (anesthesiologists, family practice anesthetists, residents, anesthesia assistants, etc.) across Canada and around the world.
Vision Statement
A unified, vibrant, and influential community of anesthesiology professionals delivering the highest quality care.
Mission Statement
Serving members and advancing the specialty through leadership, advocacy, education, and research.
CAS Strategic Plan
Click here to download PDF
cas annual report
View our organizational activities from the past year in our CAS Annual Report.
CAS and ACUDA Joint Statement on Diversity and Inclusion
The CAS and Association of Canadian University Departments of Anesthesia (ACUDA) Joint Statement on Diversity and Inclusion acknowledges that both organizations recognize and value diversity in all aspects of our work and the profession. Diversity is a source of strength that can only be fully realized through equitable and inclusive involvement of all. The statement promotes that every person has the right to be accepted and treated with respect and dignity. It is expected that all CAS and ACUDA board and committee members, staff, society members, and volunteers will model, promote, and comply with these principles.
Read the full statement
here. (Updated 2019).